AVX Limited Pension Scheme website

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Click on the document(s) you want to view:

Actuarial Valuation Report
A full report on the Scheme's finances at 5 April 2021
A full report on the Scheme's finances at 5 April 2018
A full report on the Scheme's finances at 5 April 2015
A full report on the Scheme's finances at 5 April 2012
A full report on the Scheme's finances at 5 April 2009

Summary funding statement
A summary of the Scheme's financial health 2021 and 2022
A summary of the Scheme's financial health 2020
A summary of the Scheme's financial health 2019
A summary of the Scheme's financial health 2017
A summary of the Scheme's financial health 2016
A summary of the Scheme's financial health 2015
A summary of the Scheme's financial health 2014
A summary of the Scheme's financial health 2013

Member Newsletter 2023
Member Newsletter 2022
Member Newsletter 2020
Member Newsletter 2019
Member Newsletter 2017
Member Newsletter 2016
Member Newsletter 2015

Schedule of contributions
Details of the contributions payable by the Company – 2021 valuation
Details of the contributions payable by the Company – 2018 valuation
Details of the contributions payable by the Company – 2015 valuation
Details of the contributions payable by the Company – 2012 valuation (post merger)
Details of the contributions payable by the Company – 2012 valuation (pre-merger)
Details of the contributions payable by the Company – 2009 valuation

The Scheme's Recovery Plan
Details of the plan to pay off any shortfall in the Scheme's assets – 2015 valuation
Details of the plan to pay off any shortfall in the Scheme's assets – 2012 valuation (post merger)
Details of the plan to pay off any shortfall in the Scheme's assets – 2012 valuation (pre-merger)
Details of the plan to pay off any shortfall in the Scheme's assets – 2009 valuation

Statement of Investment Principles
The Trustees policy on investing the Scheme’s assets

Investment Policy Implementation document
Further detail relating to the Scheme’s investments

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